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Fundraising Tips


1. Set a Target

The most essential piece of setting a fundraising goal is that it should be realistic but also take some work to attain. Establishing a goal is an easy way to get motivated and give yourself a benchmark for success.
Go back and edit your goal if you exceed it quickly and celebrate your milestones when you reach them!
The second essential piece of setting a goal is making it public! Use email, Facebook and word of mouth to communicate your fundraising goal and how close you are to attaining it.
This helps donors to have some context for how much you are trying to fundraise and how much they should consider giving.

3. Be Committed

Make the first pledge yourself! When your friends, family and colleagues see your name and contribution, they will recognize how serious you are. Try using your donation as an example of the amount you would encourage others to donate.

5. Fundraising at Work

Contact your Human Resources department to find out if your company has a corporate matching gift program, this is an easy way to double your total! Encourage your sponsors to ask their companies for matching gift forms; many sponsors are not aware that this is an option. Often, even if a company does not have a matching gifts program, they will support your efforts financially.

2. Create a Fundraising Plan

It's never too early! Sit down with pen and paper plan out how your going to achieve your fundraising target. What actvites will you organise? A raffle, choclate drive, auction, trvia night, BBQ at Bunnings? There's hundreds activities you could organise to raise funds. Who are you going to invite to your event? Look to your social circles, family, clubs, school, work colleagues and clients. Prepare how and when to approach each group, and with what type of fundraising activity you'll organise.

When organising an event you can use your very own Hawkesbury Classic Fundraising Page to collect funds  or use a website like Eventbrite.

Get Planning Now!!!

4. Get Social

Social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, are a great way to spread the word about your fundraising efforts and passion for the Arrow Foundation. Post a link to your personal fundraising page on your timeline or feed, asking your friends and family to donate. Get your efforts noticed! Share photos and videos of your training and

 preparation for the event.

6. Ask Anyone, Ask Everyone

Ask and you shall receive - You’d be amazed how much help is available to you if you just open up and ask for it. Ask family and friends first. Once you’ve tackled the “easy ones,” branching out is simple. Ask clients, colleagues, suppliers, anyone and everyone. Make a list of places where you spend money; don’t forget about doctors, dry cleaners, mechanics and your favorite restaurants!

An easy way to start is by using our email templates

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ABN: 73 350 155 706 | CFN 13028

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P.O Box 268 ENMORE NSW 2042

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