Directions & Driving
The distance by car from Start to Finish is 153.5 kilometres. We suggest that you drive over the route in daylight before the night of the Classic.
Race Officials have put signs up where possible to indicate the route landcrews should take. Maps are provided with detailed instructions. However, we also recommend that drivers have a local map in case signs have been removed.
Because of the time frame involved and the difficulty in getting sleep at checkpoints, it is a good idea to ensure there is more than one driver in the landcrew. Try to ensure the driver gets some sleep while parked at the major checkpoints.
If not driving your own vehicle, become familiar with it prior to its owner starting the race and don't forget the keys! A spare set may come in handy.
As fuel is difficult to obtain during the night, ensure that your vehicle's tank is full before leaving Windsor. Filling before arriving at the start is advisable.
Driving at a steady pace will enable landcrew to reach the major checkpoints and prepare for their paddler in plenty of time.
Care is required on roads which are often narrow with sharp curves as they wind from the ridges to the river and vice versa.
When driving from Checkpoint Sackville (D) to Wisemans Ferry (I) it is suggested landcrews return to the main road (old Northern Road) via Maroota. This avoids the narrow, winding, gravel sections of the road as it follows the river.
Please DO NOT SPEED. Many landcrew are driving unfamiliar cars on unfamiliar roads and great care is required. Please TAKE CARE and help make the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic safe and enjoyable.
Don't drive home straight away. Have a rest or watch other competitors finish. Don't ruin the weekend by having an accident on the way home.
Sufficient parking is available. However, there may be a long walk to the actual checkpoint. Landcrew are advised to have carry bags or backpack for carrying equipment to paddlers. Note: Checkpoint Sackville (D) now has a parking area nearby - the shuttle bus used previously is no longer required and will not run.