For Paddlers
The Hawkesbury Canoe Classic is a fun paddle to help raise funds for medical research.
About half of the 300 paddlers who will share this experience with you have paddled the Classic before. The other half of the field is new to the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic and some are even completely new to paddling.
There are 21 checkpoints down the Hawkesbury River staffed by 400 volunteers whose main concern is to look after paddlers. You can stop and rest and perhaps get a much needed back rub given by volunteers from the Sports Physiotherapy Group. Hot or cold drinks, a warm fire, biscuits and soup could be just what is needed to help you finish.
Your land-crew looks after you at four locations and provides a fresh change of clothes and a hot meal. It doesn't matter if you don't make the full distance.
To enter the Hawkesbury Classic you need:
The ability to swim.
At least 15 years of age
An unsinkable canoe, kayak or surf ski.
A personal flotation device (PFD), often known as buoyancy vest or life-jacket.
A landcrew (we advise a minimum of two people) with a vehicle and lots of enthusiasm.
A lot of determination.